King Electricians

PAT Testing Certificate

Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)

PAT is a test carried out on appliances and equipment to make sure that they are safe to use. Portable appliance testing or PAT is the term specifically used for the examination of electrical appliances and other equipment. It is the most reliable source for checking for any problems or issues in the systems. Every appliance must be checked and tested to ensure that it is safe to use.    Most people rely on the visual examination of the appliances. While it is a practical approach to visually checking everything, it cannot ensure that the appliance is 100% safe to use. A proper examination has to be carried out to detect any underlying problems. At the same time, visual inspection is also very important to spot any damage. It is safe to say that both visual testing and PAT testing come hand in hand for a safer examination. 
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How often should PAT testing be done? 

There is no specific period after which PAT testing must be done. Every appliance should be repaired and maintained from time to time to ensure that there are no potential hazards. It is a common belief that PAT testing has to be done every year in offices, but the law does not require you to do so every year.  

Before we understand how often it should be done, it is important to understand why it is important to be done regularly. Every citizen should take the PAT testing, and their safety is as important as the authorities do. It should not be done just because you are following the law but because you are concerned about yourself and the others in your building’s safety.

How is PAT testing done? 

PAT testing looks like a regular testing regime for electrical appliances, but it is done on a much deeper level. It is performed by professionals who have been trained for this purpose. First, a visual inspection is done to make sure everything is in place. There should be no naked wires, loose switches, or noise coming out of any appliance. Visual inspection is done on a very thorough level. Every part is checked. The professionals also make sure that the earthing of the wires is done right. Then they check for any obvious signs of damage like the overheating of wires or sockets, continuity of the current flow, fuses, and socket breakers.  

Who performs PAT testing? 

PAT testing is performed by the professionals. You can hire any electrical service provider for this service. In London, King Electricians are known for providing the most reliable PAT testing services.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to do PAT testing? 

Appliances left unattended for a long period can be a potential hazard. Electrical appliances have been designed to use for decades, but sometimes the wires can get damaged, or there can be some internal problems that can lead to an accident in the future. This is why it is important to do PAT testing every once in a while. 

Does law require the PAT test? 

There is no specific law in the UK that defines that you need to get the testing done after a specific period. Even though the law does not state this, you must get the PAT testing every once in a while to ensure that everything is up to the mark.  

How to get a PAT testing certificate in London? 

You have to book an appointment for PAT testing with King Electricians or any other trustable electricians in London. The staff will reach your door and carefully examine the whole area. A PAT testing certificate will be provided once the inspection is completed.
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